Memorable Taipei Trip 台北自由行 2013 part 1
4:32:00 PMQuite a time not updating my blog. I'm a bit lazy on writing instead of talking. ha~
You know, as technologies are very easy and high-tech, social network such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, it's much easier for user to upload their travel photos, currently what are they doin, that's less people give up on write for so many paragraph. BUT! i'm gonna to tell you, i'm ready to start blogging as people are give up to do that!
Come on! please give some reaction! Just simply click Google+ or leave some comment!!
Well, come back to the topic, TAIPEI, on 2013 for me, it's the first trip i plan to go with friends which travel overseas. I was sooooooooooo excited that Airasia airlines was having suppppper sales!
On that night, I kept calling my friends about how cheap the air ticket was, and plan which date we confirm going. Get their Names, Passport No. all those personal information for booking the air ticket.
This was my first time booking. Maybe it's my first time booking, soooooo, I didn't notice the fight time as the departure was 8PM and arrive time was 10.30pm. OMG...(will details on the next part)
Finally, ticket booked! before the date we departure, we started to plan. Find home stay, places we are going to visit, and yet! The most important thing is to visit my lovely sister at Taipei. soooo, we are planing to stay a few days at her home too.
NEXT>>>> will blog about the trip, keep upload photos and stay tunes!
好一段时间没上来了!我比较擅长在说话来表达我的感受多于写文章!现在的科技非常发达,INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, 这些社交网站一一成为我们生活上的依赖。因为我们只须按几个简单的步骤就能随时上传一些旅行时的照片,生活上的照片。所以也越来越少人写文章了!可是我就是要与人不同!所以从现在开始,我要开始频密的发文章!
好啦,不罗嗦,说重点吧!台北, 2013年,这是我第一次与朋友的自由行。回想起来还是很兴奋!由于之前,我们聚会时有提到台北行,刚好Airasia Airline 这一天在办促销活动,所以就联络他们,商量启程的日期。
这是我第一次网上订机票,没注意到航班时间。所以订了晚上8点起飞,10点30分到达。 我真的没想到会影响接下来的行程啊!(下段待续)
终于 。。买了机票。接下来的几个月,我们开始计划我们的行程。说真的,还蛮多资料要收集的。。找民宿,观光景点。。找吃的。。还有会去探望妹妹,在她家住几天。
下篇>>>> 会继续发更多台北行程,照片哟!
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